Writing Advice: Recommended Book List for Writers

I wish I would have had a list of books like this when I first started out. After reading over 100 books, on writing, editing, publishing, and marketing, I decided sharing my top choices would help others like you. If this post helps, please leave a comment on which book helped you. I like to keep this list updated and see which books help others.

1st Draft

5,000 words per hour by Chris foxThis was great for motivation, and convinced me to use Dragon Dictation which I highly recommend. 

Stephen King on WritingIf you’re not a fan of Stephen King, skip this. However, if you’re a fan this is great for motivation and getting to you started on the 1st draft.

12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. PetersonThis was the main book that kicked my ass into gear and pushed me forward to success.


The Story Grid by Shawn CoyneRead this before you writer the 1st Draft and it will make the editing process faster. However, if you’ve already wrote your 1st Draft, this will turn it into a publishable story.

The Anatomy of Story by John TrubyJohn Truby works in Hollywood and his focus is on screen plays, but this book is about story, and he uses novels as examples throughout. The principles he teaches are universal to all story mediums. 

Self-Editing for Fiction WritersThis took my sentence level craft to the next level.


Launch to Market by Chris FoxThere aren’t many books worth reading on this subject. It’s one area where courses and experience are needed. However, I do recommend this one along with all of Chris Fox’s books.


First half is worth reading. The 2nd half is a bit dated, but all the theory and lessons leading up to it are still valid and well worth your time engaging with.

Success_Go get it

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