Mindset Development
Defeat resistance and slay your dragon. Learn to master your fear of writing—become the author you should be. Don’t go another day without achieving your life’s purpose.
Story Craft/
Developmental Editing
Fundamental building blocks of Plot & Character Arcs. The skillsets needed to write successful fiction that will sell and have readers coming back for more. This is the key to developing super fans that will support your career for life.
Marketing, Advertising, Reader Engagement
Newsletters: how to setup a custom domain, attract new readers onto your list, and cultivate those readers into super fans who will buy your books.
Facebook ads: how to setup campaigns that actually convert potential readers into buyers of your books, and ensure that you actually run your ads profitably.
Team Building
Picking out Cover Designer, Editor, Proof Readers, etc… is hard. How can you know who to trust if you’ve never worked with them before? I have a vetted list of trustworthy freelancers and can teach you the fundamentals of how to identify future freelancers for yourself.
$20 first time consultation (45 minutes)